
For the avid reader

Featured Books

Below are books our foundation members felt offer useful insights and perspectives.

~ New resources will be added every few months ~

Done With the Crying

September 2024

by Sheri McGregor, M.A.

You may want to read/purchase this book if you want to:

  • Read about others who have found themselves estranged from their children
  • Complete exercises designed to help you reflect on your individual estrangement
  • ...
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Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child

September 2024

by Tina Gilbertson, LPC

You may wish to read/purchase this book if you want to:

  • Consider how your child might be feeling about the relationship
  • Learn how the author defines estrangement
  • ...
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Building a Healthy, Rewarding Relationship with Your Adult Child

March 2024

by Heidi Berr, LCSW/CPLC

You may want to read and/or purchase this book if you want to:

  • Understand factors that have affected the later emergence of adulthood in children
  • Learn the value of optimism, patience and determination in dealing with adult children
  • ...
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Healing Family Rifts

March 2024

by Mark Sichel, CSW

You may want to read and/or purchase this book if you want to:

  • Learn how to deal with the trauma and shock of estrangement
  • Know what to do if you have acute stress disorder from your estrangement
  • Learn how to talk productively when recovering from trauma
  • ...
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Fault Lines

January 2023

by Karl Pillemer, PhD

You may want to read this book if:

  • you are curious about how many people are estranged (see results of 1st national survey on estrangement)
  • you wonder what six situations can lead to family estrangement
  • you would like to know what estrangement does to the people in this situation
  • you want to learn steps and strategies toward reconciliation (chapters 7-11)

Author's Website

Family Estrangements

January 2023

by Barbara LeBey

You may want to read this book if:

  • you are interested in societal changes that have exerted enormous influence on the traditional family structure
  • you are interested in taking a deep look at how the rift started and if expectations are realistic
  • you are curious about examples of successful reconciliation
  • you would like to understand coping mechanisms when reconciliation is not successful

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