You are not alone


We are here to help

you with your journey

There are resources to help

you cope & find peace on your journey

Who We Are

The Morris Foundation for Estranged Parents and Children has been established to provide resources, strategies, and support for estranged parents and children in an effort to help them cope with this most difficult situation. The founder suddenly found herself estranged and began searching for resources to help herself with this situation. She wanted to know why this happened and how to cope with being estranged. The idea to gather resources for others became the mission for the founder.

We hope you find this resource helpful in your journey dealing with estrangement.

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Helpful Resources

We've compiled various videos and podcasts from respected individuals on the topic or estragement.

Books & Articles

Find book recommendations that may be helpful in your journey in coping with estragement.


Every now and then we come across great articles from various experts. We hope you will find them helpful.

This Month's Features

We plan to add new website resources every few months.
So be sure to check back.

March Article Feature

Why Some Parents Break Up With Their Adult Children

by Shoba Sreenlvasan, Ph.D., & Linda E. Weinberger, Ph.D. in Psychology Today

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March Video Feature

March 2025

5 Reasons NOT to Send Gifts

By The Reconnection Club Podcast Episode #10 Tina Gilbertson

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